10 best indoor flowering houseplants plus practical tips

houseplant house plants

The ZZ plant, also known by names like emerald palm and arum fern, is a durable and drought-resistant plant ideal for beginners. It thrives well in low-light conditions, so it won’t crowd other plants out of the sunnier areas in your house. Also known as the Prayer Plant, maranta is part of a family whose leaves open to the sunlight but close up when it gets darker out. These plants move significantly more than most others, and you can even watch them change if you look at the right time. Flowers are rare, usually coming in as pale green flowers that don’t stand out too much.

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Other than an occasional soaking with water, you won’t have to do much else for this succulent to enjoy its colorful show. Provide your prayer plants with regular watering and bright, indirect light, as bright light can cause leaf scorching and fading. Under the right conditions, your prayer plant will bloom tiny purple flowers that add to its allure. Named for its slender, banana-shaped leaves, banana leaf figs can grow up to 10’ tall as houseplants.

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It can even tolerate cooler temperatures, but you shouldn’t let it get too cold from a window, door, or air conditioner. While the plant is beautiful, use caution if you have pets that will eat plants, as this one can be toxic for them. While it looks stunning as a hanging plant, you don’t need to hang it to enjoy its beauty.

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Otherwise, they can reach an impressive fifteen feet tall, making them ideal centerpieces in bigger rooms. Bromeliads are easy to raise, tolerating a good range of temperatures and having minimal watering requirements. Bright, indirect light is best for bringing out their color, but you can also raise them in areas with lower light. The leaves of this plant can fall moderately over the side, so you may need to leave a little space between it and other plants.

The hoya kerrii is a beautiful, vining succulent native to Thailand. A quick look at the heart-shaped design will tell you how this popular houseplant got its name. "Sweetheart plants are a nice, low-maintenance option that likes to dry out completely in between waterings," Waggoner notes. To that end, this slow-growing beauty is more at risk of being over-watered than under-watered. He adds, "Brandi is a great 'learner plant' that tolerates a wide range of growing conditions, allowing you to test and trial different light and care conditions."

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If allowed to dry out, your shamrock will wilt dramatically and quickly. To prevent this, stick to a regular watering schedule and this happy little plant is sure to thrive. Closely related to the weeping fig, fiddle leaf figs are wildly popular houseplants that, when grown as dwarf trees, generally reach around 9’ tall. African violets are known for their cheerful blooms in white, pink and purple, as well as their thick, fuzzy leaves.

Remember, ZZs are drought tolerant (thanks to its underground rhizomes that store water) so it’s best to underwater, not overwater, this houseplant. You might be drawing some comparisons with the common propagation method of putting cuttings in water to grow roots. While the two growing methods bear similarities, rooting a plant in water technically isn't a hydroponic setup according to Paris since a nutrient solution isn’t being provided. 'While there are some houseplants that can be left in water vases indefinitely, most times they are transferred into soil in order to grow strong and vigorously plants,' she says. If you thought you needed soil to grow houseplants, think again.

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It gives a little classiness and color to corners of your house that might otherwise be a little dull. This is a good plant for beginners because you only have to water it heavily every 2 weeks, which is basically as long as it takes the soil to dry out. You can tell if you are watering it too much by browning in the leaves. They do well in bright but filtered sunlight and hate excess cold.

houseplant house plants

One of the most popular philos right now is the philodendron brandtianum, also known as the Brandi Philo. It has olive green streaks among its almost iridescent silver heart-shaped leaves. These funky trees have been trendy for the past few years, thanks to their shaggy leaves and thick, woody trunk. They're slow growing, and can eventually become tree-sized, even indoors. If you choose a Chinese evergreen with bright or variegated leaves, you'll need to keep it in a brighter spot to maintain the coloring, while green varieties do well in low light. Bromeliads are super popular, thanks to their colorful blooms and minimal needs.

If you’re looking to add a pothos to your home, try popular varieties like ‘Marble Queen,’ ‘Jade,’ or ‘Neon’ pothos. Polka dot plants can be finicky plants to keep unless you do a bit of research. Requiring higher than normal humidity levels, polka dot plants are prone frequent wilting if their soil is allowed to dry out or if they receive insufficient humidity. When kept as houseplants, pitcher plants can naturally help combat annoying pests like fruit flies and houseflies.

This lovely bit of decorate foliage stops growing at around 3 feet tall, making it the perfect height for adding a little color in a corner or even ‘naturing-up’ a home workspace. Among the easiest indoor flowering plants you can grow, African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) bloom several times a year with little effort from you. They come in hundreds of varieties, some with variegated foliage or ruffled or white-edged blooms. It's fun to collect several different varieties to enjoy all the flower colors and shapes. African violet likes warm conditions and filtered sunlight, but avoid getting water on the fuzzy leaves; it causes ugly brown spots. Also known as Aglaonema, the Chinese Evergreen is a great pick if you're looking for a trouble-free houseplant, providing you follow proper growing conditions.

Depending on the plant you get, you might have one with a lot of one color and none of another, but regardless of which one you have, they’re stunning. These small plants are easy to take care of, only needing watering when the topsoil feels dry to the touch. The leaves range from deep emerald shades to a lighter, almost yellow hue. When you place it in a pot, you’ll see the vines growing sideways and toppling over the edges of your pot. It’s a beautiful plant to add to a hanging pot in your house, as long as you keep it out of direct sunlight.


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